9 YEAR GAP - interviews with talented people, their careers and success stories!
Join Robert as he interviews insightful and talented people with success stories. They'll reveal how it all happened and the mindset involved. Let's learn from each other, have some laughs and 'get the conversation going!' Check out our website and socials - LINKTREE @9yeargap INSTA @9yeargap Hosted by singer/entertainer, lawyer and now business analyst Robert Barbaro: www.robertbarbaro.com INSTA: @robarbaro
9 YEAR GAP - interviews with talented people, their careers and success stories!
#3 "For my next piece..." - Dave Newington
From Melbourne, Australia, Dave Newington has successfully shifted from an accomplished career as a pianist and touring artist to the recruitment sector as Practice Lead in Service Delivery at Granite Consulting.
Dave's story of redirection is encouraging for those seeking a reboot.
He'll shed light on the what goes on in the mind of a recruiter and share a few tricks of the trade too!