9 YEAR GAP - interviews with talented people, their careers and success stories!
Join Robert as he interviews insightful and talented people with success stories. They'll reveal how it all happened and the mindset involved. Let's learn from each other, have some laughs and 'get the conversation going!' Check out our website and socials - LINKTREE @9yeargap INSTA @9yeargap Hosted by singer/entertainer, lawyer and now business analyst Robert Barbaro: www.robertbarbaro.com INSTA: @robarbaro
15 episodes
#14 " The Guests so far" - Robert Barbaro & Bobbi Cannoli
With guests from all around the world including France, Australia and England, host Robert Barbaro takes us through the guests on 9 Year Gap and points out some of the noteworthy themes featured in the interviews so far.These include: 1...

#13 "Bouncing back!" - Anisha Gangotra
This week we are joined by Anisha Gangotra. Her story involves being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and surviving a traumatic car accident. We discuss learning how to be a natural leader; putting life’s pieces back together; dealing w...

#12 "The edge for success..." - Cailin Howarth
From Melbourne, Australia, Cailin Howarth starting out as a trained classical singer and performed throughout Australia and Europe. She’s changed direction, studied psychology and become a Performance Psychology Coach to the performing a...

#11 “Life is a collage..." - Kara R Bieber
Based in London, UK, Kara R Bieber began her career as a photographer, having her first exhibition at the age of 12. She has now moved into the medium of hand cut collage. Her amazingly vibrant collages have been featured internation...

#10 "A crafty career" - Yiran Duan
From Dali in the Yunnan Province, China, Yiran Duan has shifted from theatre costume making to starting a business in London, UK.She founded Yi Crafts which promotes and celebrates the history of crafts, tea and indigo m...

#9 "A vocal connection" - David Corcoran
This week's guest is my friend and mentor David Corcoran. Originally from Melbourne, Australia, he now lives with his amazing wife and kids in Vienna, Austria. We discuss his career history and the mixed bag of jobs he has had ov...

#8 "Shipping included" - James Summers
Based in Perth, Australia, James Summers will tell us about the shipping industry and the surprising and forward attitude he took to land his current job. This episode gets a little more real and personal. Topic...

#7 "Eat well, live well" - Sophie Medlin
Based in London, Sophie Medlin is a rising star in the health & diet community in the UK. As a specialist in gastrointestinal diseases she has gone from working in acute hospitals; to academia, as a lecturer at King’s Col...

#6 “Yes I can!” - Trishna Bharadia
Trishna Bharadia is a true mover and shaker! As a health advocate, writer, inspirational speaker, mentor and ambassador for organisations including MS Society UK, ADD International, Cambridge MS Therapy Centre,...

#5 "Working hard hat it" - Kate McAdam
From London, UK, Kate McAdam's career story is full of surprises. She has gone from rising operatic soprano in the UK to singing teacher to Project Manager in the construction industry for Morgan Sindall. She is also a Trustee of t...

#4 "You have my full attention!" - Athan Didaskalou
Hailing from Melbourne, Australia, Athan Didaskalou has had quite the winding road of a career journey so far. Starting out in small business in the suburbs of Melbourne, he then went on to work in marketing consultancy. After some more ...

#3 "For my next piece..." - Dave Newington
From Melbourne, Australia, Dave Newington has successfully shifted from an accomplished career as a pianist and touring artist to the recruitment sector as Practice Lead in Service Delivery at Granite Consulting. Da...

#2 "Living the dream" - Sharon Heinrich
If you follow patisserie in any shape or form on social media then you no doubt have come across the name, Sharon Heinrich. She is the face of the Paris chez Sharon brand and her Instagram profile and food blog have a significant interna...